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Saturday, June 25, 2022

junior science refresher magazine pdf free download

junior science refresher magazine pdf free download

junior science refresher magazine pdf free download Published this article page no   76 When no party gets a clear majority in the State Legislative Assembly the Governor normally asks the leader of the single largest party to form the government. Tenure Theoretically the Chief Minister holds office during the pleasure of the Governor. However in actual practice the Chief Minister remains in office so long as he continues to be the leader of the majority in the State Legislative Assembly.The Governor can dismiss him in case he loses his majority support.The State Legislative Assembly can also remove him by passing a vote of noconfidence against him.  45 Powers and Functions of the Chief MinisterTo Aid and Advice the Governor.The Chief Minister is at the Head of the Council of Ministers.He is the Leader of the House.He has to communicate to the Governor all the decisions of the council of ministers relating to the administration of the states.All the policies are announced by him on the floor of the house.He recommends dissolution of legislative assembly to the Governor.He advises the Governor regarding summoning proroguing the sessions of State Legislative Assembly from time to time. Insta Curious Did you know that Section 11 of the Representation of the People Act 1951 allows the Election Commission to reduce or remove disqualification for reasons to be recorded? Know more about this here junior science refresher magazine pdf free download buy.

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junior science refresher magazine pdf free download

junior science refresher magazine pdf free download

junior science refresher magazine pdf free download Published this article page no  75 The 25 high courts in the states have 81 women among 677 judges  five of them do not have a single female judge.  44 Benefits of diversity and gender representation in Supreme court 1. Increased Transparency inclusiveness and representation. 2. By their mere presence women judges enhance the legitimacy of courts sending a powerful signal that they are open and accessible to those who seek recourse to justice. 3. By elucidating how laws and rulings can be based on gender stereotypes or how they might have a different impact on women and men a gender perspective enhances the fairness of the adjudication. 4. Women judges bring those lived experiences to their judicial actions experiences that tend toward a more comprehensive and empathetic perspective. 5. Improving the representation of women could go a long way towards a more balanced and empathetic approach in cases involving sexual violence. Challenges to womens entry into judiciary The eligibility criteria to take the entrance exams Lawyers need to have seven years of continuous legal practice and be in the age bracket of 3545.This is a disadvantage for women as many are married by this age. Further the long and inflexible work hours in law combined with familial responsibilities force many women to drop out of practice and they fail to meet the requirement of continuous practice.  Pushkar Singh Dhami recently took took oath as the 12th chief minister of Uttarakhand.Since according to the constitution the chief minister is appointed by the governor the swearing in is done before the governor of the state. Appointment of CM The Chief Minister is appointed by the governor.Art. 164 of the Constitution provides that there shall be a Council of Ministers with the Chief Minister at its hand to aid and advise the governor. Who can be a Chief Minister? After general election to the State Legislative Assembly the party or coalition group which secures majority in this House elects its leader and communicates his name to the Governor. The Governor then formally appoints him as the Chief Minister and asks him to form his Council of Ministers junior science refresher magazine pdf free download buy.

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