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Thursday, July 14, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no  89 SIGNIFICANT MEASURES ANNOUNCED Collateral free Automatic Loans for Businesses including MSMEs (allocation Rs. 3 lakh crore)  BusinessesMSMEs have been badly hit due to COVID 19. As a result businesses need additional funding to meet operational liabilities built up buy raw material and restart business.  To provide working capital to these businesses Emergency Credit Line has been created for BusinessesMSMEs from banks and NBFCs up to 20% of entire outstanding credit as on 29.2.2020. 100% credit guarantee cover will be provided to Banks and NBFCs on both principal amount and interest payable.  The scheme is estimated to aid in resumption of almost 45 lakh units. Measures relating to Employees Provident Fund (EPF) EPF Support for Business & Workers for 3 more months  Under Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Package (PMGKP) payment of 12% of employer and 12% employee contributions has been made into EPF accounts of eligible establishments. This was provided for salary months of March April and May 2020.  The measure increases this support by another 3 months to salary months of June July and August 2020 Shine india monthly magazine buy.  

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no  88 Other Policy Reforms o Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) limit in the defence manufacturing subsectors under automatic route has been raised from 49% to 74%. o Time bound defence procurement process and faster decision making will be ushered in by  Setting up of a Project Management Unit (PMU) to support contract management.  More realistic setting of General Staff Qualitative Requirements (GSQRs) for weaponsplatforms.  Overhauling of Trial and Testing procedures to make them more robust. Space Activities  Boosting private sector participation in Space activities by o Provide level playing field for private companies in satellites services launches and other space based services. o Provide a predictable policy and regulatory environment to private players. o Allow Private sector players to use ISRO facilities and relevant assets to improve their capacities. o Open Future projects for planetary exploration outer space travel etc. to private sector. o Provide a liberal geospatial data policy for providing remote sensing data to tech entrepreneurs. 86 Atomic Energy  Establishing a research reactor in PPP mode for production of medical isotopes in order to promote welfare of humanity through affordable treatment for cancer and other diseases.  Establishing facilities in PPP mode to use irradiation technology for food preservation to compliment agricultural reforms and assist farmers.  Link Indias robust startup ecosystem to nuclear sector  Technology Development cum Incubation Centres will be set up for fostering synergy between research facilities and tech entrepreneurs emerging from new startup ecosystem. 12.5. MEASURES ANNOUNCED FOR BUSINESSES IN GENERAL (INCLUDING MSMES) Overview The package tries to increase liquidity among businesses by measures like collateral free loans and simultaneously pushes for long overdue economic reforms like increasing the Ease of doing business Shine india monthly magazine  buy. 

Shine india monthly magazine