competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

banking service chronicle

banking service chronicle

banking service chronicle published this article page no punishable under special acts containing stringent provisions for bail like ndps pmla uapa etc same as category b & d with the additional condition of compliance of the provisions of bail under the specific laws. d economic offences not covered by the special acts bail application be decided on merit on appearance of the accused in court. parole vs furlough furlough and parole (covered under the prisons act of 1894) envisage a shortterm temporary release from custody. both were introduced with a view to humanising the prison system. prison is a state subject. parole furlough parole is granted to the prisoner to meet a specific exigency. furlough may be granted (after a stipulated number of years have been served) without any reason. parole is a system of releasing a prisoner with suspension of the sentence. period of furlough granted to a prisoner is treated as remission of the sentence. prisoner does not have an absolute legal right to claim parole.  prisoners convicted of multiple murders or under the antiterror unlawful activities prevention act (uapa) are not eligible for parole. prisoner does not have an absolute legal right to claim furlough also. grant of furlough must be balanced against the public interest and can be refused to certain categories of prisoners banking service chronicle magazine subscription.

banking service chronicle

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine published this article page no 23 digital rights are merely an extension of the rights set out in the universal declaration of human rights by the united nations as applied to the online world. it is a broad term implying right to privacy and data protection it can be related to trolling online threats and hate speech it can address broader issues of equitable internet access regardless of economic backgrounds and disabilities. public procurement and project management why in news recently the department of expenditure under the ministry of finance released guidelines for reforms in public procurement and project management. public procurement and project management framework in india public procurement and project management includes the procurement of goods and services by public entities and execution of different projects. e.g. the goods or services purchased by government entities for public service delivery. presently the general financial rules (2017) and the ministry of finance procurement manuals act as general guidelines to be followed by all agencies with freedom for agencies to have its own procurement rules complying with general rules. ○ e.g. the ministry of defence railways etc. with almost 50% of their respective budget spent on public procurement have their own procurement guidelines such as defence acquisition procedure 2020 competition refresher magazine subscription.

competition refresher magazine