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Monday, November 15, 2021

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general knowledge refresher  Alan Greenspan reigned as Fed Chairman for nearly 20 years. During this time, the economy in the United States performed at fairly stable and consistent levels. Yes, there were recessions and stock market crashes, but these were minor hiccups in an otherwise solid economic run. current gk   Ben Bernanke has taken over control of the fed from Alan Greenspan. Instead of enjoying a peaceful grace period, he walks into a situation where an extremely hot housing market threatens to collapse. How will he handle the situation? Perhaps a review of Ben Bernanke will give us an idea gk questions .

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Thursday, November 11, 2021

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Wednesday, September 8, 2021

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Friday, August 6, 2021

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What is a 1099 MISC?

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When and What Must Be Filed?

ibps Specialist Officer Online Mock Test The 1099-MISC form is a multi-layered carbon form, so make sure the information you provide appears clearly on all of the copies. Once you fill out the form, provide Copy B to the person you are reporting to the IRS by January 31, 2005.  Copy A of the 1099-MISC form is intended for the IRS. You must file it by February 28, 2005 if you are sending the form by mail. If you prefer to file electronically, ibps specialist officer online test series you have until March 31, 2005. The IRS has made a major effort to cut down on red tape, but you’ll still find it with 1099-MISC filings. In addition to filing the 1099 with the IRS, you must also file a 1096 form. The 1096 form is the “Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S. Information Returns” form. It is one page and extremely easy to fill out ibps specialist officer online test

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Thursday, August 5, 2021

gktoday current affairs in hindi

 gktoday current affairs in hindi

gktoday current affairs in hindi Published this article :  People throughout the country are struggling with how to handle the powerful emotions evoked by the scenes of destruction in the aftermath of the recent hurricanes. Silent Unity one of the worlds oldest and largest prayer ministries began receiving prayer requests for people in the path of the hurricanes as soon as the news coverage mentioned the approaches of the huge storms. Here is one such request shared by Silent Unity with the writers permission What can I do? I cant even find the right words to say in a prayer because so many lives have been lost and so many people are in need of help. It seems like any words I could pray are not enough to really help in such an overwhelming situation. We understand your feelings. Many people are seeking reassurance and an affirmation that God is present in the situation regardless of how dire it appears at the moment. We invite you to keep the faith for all those affected by the hurricanes by affirming the following  We affirm peace protection healing and divine order  the love of God comforts and soothes you  the light of God guides you and keeps you safe  the life of God heals and renews you  the power of God works through you to restore order and rebuild your life  you are sustained in body mind and spirit by the ever-renewing presence of God. Silent Unity has been praying with people of all faiths for more than 100 years. Its 300 employees respond to each request for prayer support with reverence and complete confidentiality. gktoday current affairs in hindi

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gktoday current affairs pdf free download Published this article :  Why is it that some Christian congregations can rejoice at the recent bloodshed of innocent lives in the Middle East? Its unthinkable that people totally misusing the Bible and the Book of Revelation can be that crass and bloodthirsty. The same could be said as people chose to interpret Hurricane Katrinas effect on New Orleans as Gods divine punishment for the hundreds of sinful residents of that evil city. Ive heard similar accounts about public congregational prayers of gratitude to God for allowing an earthquake to kill thousands of infidel Pakistanis. These examples illustrate some peoples desire to find simple answers to complex issues coupled with an erroneous conception of the Bible. We all want simple answers to our questions. We want to be able to sort things out in ways that are meaningful to us. However most of us know that – however wonderful that would be – it simply isnt in the cards.  Complex issues usually require complex solutions. However when the Bible gets involved or invoked the issue gets a little thornier. This un-Christ-like behavior is a phenomenon that comes from believing in the Bible literally. This literalism leads to bibliolatry – an idolization of the Bible. Although using the Bible literally is very unbiblical it is not new. It is one of the major bones of contention between priests and prophets in the Old Testament between Jesus and the priestly class in the New Testament and between Jewish Jesus groups including Gnostics and the Hellenistic Christ Congregations in the development of the early Church and selection of the Books of the Bible. Biblical literalists seem to believe that Abraham (a Bronze Age nomad – c. 1700 BCE) King David (an early Iron-Age mid-eastern monarch – c. 950 BCE) the Apostle Paul (a first century educated Roman citizen and a devout Jewish Pharisee) and they (as twenty-first century Americans) view faith in God in exactly the same way. For these biblical literalists faith is faith is faith. What Abraham believed and how he expressed his belief is what David believed and practiced and what Paul believed and practiced. Consequently that is what they think they believe and practice today. People who believe this way simply do not understand the Bible. It seems to me the Bible tells the rather straightforward story of the constant tension between peoples desire for an explicit prescribed set of approved behaviors that we understand and think God will bless and Gods (Spirits) actual issuance of fuzzy moral guidelines. Some examples of these fuzzy guidelines Micah What does Yahweh require of you? To do justice and to love righteousness and to walk humbly with your God. (Mic 68) Jesus Love your neighbor as yourself. But who is my neighbor? Jesus answered with the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 1025-37). The point? God loves the hated Samaritan who helps someone in need. We dont like fuzzy guidelines or suggestions. We want specifics that are true all the time and under all circumstances. We want assurances – guarantees. We want teachers to tell us if we do A B and C well get a gold star. We want to know specifically what God wants. We like explanations to be explicit cut and dried and predictable. We like a religion that reassures us were on the winning side. And thats not fuzzy. In the Old Testament this tension between the explicit and the fuzzy bubbled to the surface early The covenant with God was given its first shape under Moses during the Exodus. This was followed by the continuing struggle between the ever organizing Old Testament priesthood and the prophets. Priests talked about how rites rituals and the Law (Torah) must be kept to ensure Gods blessing. All the major prophets railed against these ideas – that it was love justice and humility that God wanted not obedience to elaborate rite and ritual. In the New Testament it took only about 150 years for Jesus transformational fuzzy message of the Kingdom of God (or the Kingdom of Spirit) – which exists within you in the Eternal Now – to be institutionalized by various Jesus groups as a newer form of Judaism and by Paul as a message that the Kingdom incorporated both Jews and non-Jews. Then the Jesus groups dissolved and Pauls message was overcome with his attempts to reinvent Israels scriptural history. For 14 years Paul experienced the freedom of Jesus Kingdom of Heaven in the Damascus/Antioch Christ congregations. It was exhilarating life-changing transforming. He began to understand that these Christ congregations which he once loathed because they undercut his beloved Pharisaic Judaism had stumbled on to something truly revolutionary Gods love and presence was not reserved for Jews alone but included all of mankind and was here and now. Nevertheless he was a Pharisee. He knew the Law (Torah) as well as accepted oral interpretations (the embryonic Midrash) and he just couldnt let that go. So he became preoccupied with integrating his personal transformation with his knowledge of the Law. He verbalized his sense of this new reality in terms of redefining Israels history and thus the meaning of the Law. As Paul tried to rationally justify his insight he began moving from the Christ of faith to the Christ of theology. Later biblical writers and early Church fathers began picking up on Pauls discussion of correct behavior and newly-stated scriptural history. They continued to expand them getting further and further away from Pauls Gospel of Freedom. Finally early church fathers picked up on the Christ of theology and continued the construction of an elaborate unified dogma. So now the words of Jesus had morphed into the doctrines of Salvation Christology Trinity Original Sin Atonement Incarnation and Apostolic Succession. Lost was the sense of freedom that had so influenced Paul. Within 150 years of Jesus death the fuzzy had been replaced once again with the explicit. Contemporary biblical literalists are using the words of the Bible in much the same way as the Old Testament priesthood used the temple rites and rituals. If you listen closely it is no longer faith in Jesus or in Gods love that matters and transforms lives. There seems to be only two things that matter. First what matters is the belief in the very words of scripture that one must have faith in must obey and must follow. Secondly what matters is the theology you espouse – a theology that was extrapolated over 300 years immediately following Jesus crucifixion. The theology you espouse and faith in the scriptures – that is what makes you a Christian. That is what will save you. Since Christians who know the Bible literally believe that faith is faith is faith – no accounting for linguistic or historical context – they are in a position whereby any scriptural reference can be used – literally – to support any preferred position including an interpretation of the Book of Revelation that allows them to rejoice in the horror Published this article :  of war in the Mideast. What the biblical literalists do not understand is that to use the Bible in this way puts them at odds with the very prophets they claim to cite just as the blind use of rite and ritual put the Priestly Class at odds with these same prophets. I believe many of these Christians not only believe the Bible literally but have made the Bible an idol – treating the very words of the Bible in the same manner Israels priestly class treated the temple rites and rituals in the Old Testament. For Israels priests the temple rites were holy sacred almost magic-like to be believed without question and were absolutely necessary for Gods blessing. If we substitute words of the Bible for temple rites and rituals we are describing many of todays fundamental and evangelical Christians. The prophets railed against this simplistic idea of what it is that pleases God. Jesus for example in telling the parable of the Good Samaritan railed against this simplistic idea of what it is that pleases God. Paul would turn over in his grave if he knew the early Church was using his temporary lists of behavioral dos and donts as Pharisaical litmus tests for Christian behavior. Paul would have railed against that simplistic idea. There has always been a tension between the faith itself and our attempt to communicate it in a rational language at a given historical period. An authoritarian religious system either of the Roman Catholic type – with papal bulls & edicts – or fundamentalist/evangelical type – referencing the Bible literally – so confuses the authority of the Church the Bible the creeds and the faith of the people that the tension between God as we understand God and our human understanding is removed. Without that tension the doors are opened to idolatry—in this case a blind worship of the Bible itself—which Websters defines as bibliolatry. Righteousness and faith are not equivalent to some form of absolute belief about whats in the Bible or the New Testament. To believe something literally happened just because its in the Bible is not the mark of a true Christian. Biblical literalism does not equate to faithfulness. We can use the Bible and other Spirit-filled writings just like the earliest of Christians used their Scriptures and other material to try to understand their personal transformations. Generations of others have experienced a spiritual awakening before weve come along. Those experiences of theirs included grappling with the difficulty of recognizing the spiritual awakening when it happened as well as the difficulty in verbalizing it after it had been recognized. Just as the initial Christians used their Scriptures and other writings to help them we can do the same. Thats the timeless value of scripture. Transformed we begin to focus on the miracles we now see in our own lives using scripture to help us find the words to communicate those events. The key words are our own. But if our sense of personal transformation has not developed then well be operating from an understanding thats very similar to the childrens ditty Jesus Loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so. If we cannot see Spirits or Gods wonders in our own lives then well resort to looking for those wonders elsewhere. It becomes very easy then to say Well were not sure how God has touched our lives but we sure believe He touched Pauls life. Maybe if we believe that strongly enough well get to Heaven. Then in no time well be saying Well we cannot really see how God is working miracles in our own lives but He sure zapped New Orleans! Praise God! At least Hes still out there and alive. Hallelujah! Paul felt free enough to restate the accepted narrative of Israels history as he wrestled to explain an answer to the question Who was Jesus and why did he die? If Paul felt confident enough to reconstruct his scriptural heritage we should have the courage to fully understand then strip away the cultural trappings of biblical writers so that we can use the Bible for spiritual guidance rather than as a literal religious instruction manual. gktoday current affairs mcq

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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

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banking services chronicle current affairs pdf  Published this article page no   President George W. Bushs profane abuses of his office cannot stand before history as acceptable behavior in a president. America must not condone torture of detainees or spying on Americans. Impeach and remove this dangerous man Even a month ago I was content to let the electoral system punish President George W. Bush for his incompetence in prosecuting the war in Iraq. Let him deal with more Democrats than he bargained for after the 2006 midterm elections I thought. That would sufficiently punish him for his failures anything more would set a dangerous precedent discouraging future presidents from launching big endeavors that might not work. Oh what a difference a few weeks have made Now I say impeach and remove this dangerous man. Bushs profane abuses of his office cannot stand before history as acceptable behavior in a president. Why have I resolved thusly First indications have accumulated Bush indeed condones torture of detainees despite his pleas to the contrary. The military has used doctors to exploit detainees weaknesses and monitor their health during harsh interrogations which participants have said leave the subjects injured or sometimes dead. A doctor who investigated the abuse reports The range of interrogation techniques or abuse techniques is pretty much the whole array of usual stuff that happens in countries that torture. It includes <b><i>beatings<i><b> suspension nearasphyxia <b><i>chemical burnsthere were instances of burns with lighter fluidkicks slamming against the wall<i><b>. There was at least one <b><i>thumbscrew<i><b> I saw. <b><i>Electrical shocks<i><b> with in our case external electrodes. I did not see any internal electrodes. There were instances of <b><i>asphyxiation<i><b> food and water deprivation deprivation of access to toilets deprivation of access to medical care <b><i>forcing people to urinate on themselves<i><b> forcing people to masturbate to renounce their religion <b><i>to put the urine or feces of other people on themselves<i><b> other forms of nudity <b><i>forced fondling<i><b> verbal abuse threats against family mock executions <b><i>forcing the victims to watch other family members being abused<i><b>. They also used whats called perceptual monopolization which included loud noise... Emphasis mine. Source href=httpwww.citypages.comdatabank261305article13927.asp>The American Way of Torture<a>. Besides which the Bush administration has confessed to allowing waterboarding a technique that entails submerging detainees underwater so they believe theyre drowning. This as well as the tactics described above is torture. Even under the most Machiavellian considerations interrogators shouldnt torture captives in their charge. People will tell their tormentors anything true or not to make the horrors stop. This floods intelligence services with bad information. I wonder if that helped the Bush administration conceive a bogus vision of Iraqs WMD program. So practically speaking condoning torture is stupid policy. In addition of course torture violates the most cherished ideals of the American people. Our country stands to shine benevolent hope into the world not darken it with the same barbaric cruelty our enemies do. For Bush to lower his administration to the level of thugs and terrorists destroys his moral authority to lead not only our good nation but the free world. In so doing he damages the Presidency of the United States. That alone would warrant Bushs impeachment. As Alexander Hamilton says in Federalist 65 A wellconstituted court for the trial of impeachments is an object not more to be desired than difficult to be obtained in a government wholly elective. The subjects of its jurisdiction are those offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men or in other words from the abuse or violation of some public trust. They are of a nature which may with peculiar propriety be denominated POLITICAL as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself. A president need not commit a legal crime for impeachment to commence. High crimes and misdemeanors instead encompasses violent of trust and harm to society that can fall outside the strict boundaries of law. If high crimes and misdemeanors meant literal crimes a president would be impeachable for jaywalking. Thats absurd. Under this criterion from the Federalist Papers Bushs abuse of power in authorizing systemic torture qualifies as an impeachable offense. Still many people might not see brutal treatment of foreign alleged terrorists outside American borders as important. Its not happening in the United States as far as they know so its a foreign policy problem remote from their concern. But sadly for us thats not the extent of Bushs transgressions. The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution protects American citizens from government searching and snooping without a warrant. When Bush ascended to the Oval Office he swore to preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. And yet he has trampled that very document. Showing his isolation from reality Bush has matteroffactlyas if he cant understand why anyone would be upsetadmitted to ordering the National Security Agency to spy on American citizens on multiple occasions. No courts issued warrants for these invasions of Americans privacy. They transpired at the sole behest of the executive. So not only has Bush adopted the tactics of an authoritarian regime abroad but hes also done it at home trampling the Bill of Rights with his cowboy boots. Bush loves to pontificate about freedom warning us of the danger terrorists pose to it. If terrorists are the enemies of freedom as Bush maintains they are then he has become their collaborator. To borrow from the presidents father George H. W. Bush This will not stand. If Americans value their rights and liberties then they cannot allow a man who defies the Constitution to remain in office. Such would encourage not only Bush but future commandersinchief to encroach further on American freedoms. To the Congress of the United States I say impeach Bush now. And then kick him out of the West Wing. banking services chronicle current affairs pdf

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banking services chronicle daily current affairs  Published this article page no   Bush claims to have a plan for victory in Iraq. He does not. Hes buying time and buying off Iraqi newspaper to try to sell his failures. DETROIT  We are living under a regime that has made war and torture highly profitable for a handful of scummy corporations and individuals. Thats the way the Busheviks like doing business keeping their dirtiest deeds in the hands of forprofit surrogates. Openness and accountability  hallmarks of a free society  have no place in the mad project to sell and impose freedom in Iraq. Desperate to drum up support for his horrible mistakes and refusal to recognize his failed polices President George Bush made a major policy speech last Wednesday outlining his strategy for victory in Iraq. The venue for his address was the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis Md. For our rattled and insecure president on notsosecret doubleprobation from the American public traveling to cozy military confines is like the road trip the Deltas in Animal House took to duck their troubles and hide from their adversaries. The military provides Bush with support for his policies and the comfort and adulation he craves. Bush could look out at a sea of naval uniforms and guaranteed applause to feed his insatiable ego and reinforce his wounded machismo. Setting an artificial deadline would vindicate the terrorists tactics of beheadings and suicide bombings and mass murder and invite new attacks on America Bush told the midshipmen. Always the master of straw man arguments and false choices Bush is declaring that anyone who advances an approach to the mess in Iraq that differs from his is encouraging mass murders and atrocities. Nice. Then puffing his chest out the man who made bring em on a battle cry in Iraq bellowed To all who wear the uniform I make you this pledge America will not run in the face of car bombers and assassins so long as I am your commander in chief. The sailors cheered wildly as their leader broke into that loathsome smirk. Bush  a moral and physical coward  would never dare speak to a randomly chosen audience of college students  or for that matter before any public forum. He cannot tolerate a challenge or accept anything less than complete submission to his views. In Counterpunch the political newsletter Mike Whitney wrote Its pathetic to see the worlds most powerful man shunted into prearranged venues so he can pitch his snakeoil to collegeaged boys. Whitney knows how our great leader covets these stilted events to boost his delusions. Bush loves the applause. He luxuriates in the warm glow of human affection. In many ways he is the consummate politician feeding his fragile ego with the ephemeral praise of complete strangers. banking services chronicle daily current affairs

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banking services chronicle daily current affairs published this article   Too bad his only springboard to fame has been as bullhorn for rightwing fanatics and warmongers. Now he finds himself toddling on a narrower and narrower ledge peering down into the abyss of defeat and disgrace. Our huckster in chief successfully lied to get us into war. Hes now lying about progress in Iraq success in quelling the insurrection and the Iraqi armys ability to take over security and pacify the nation. In order to preach this nonsense Bush always surrounds himself with people who consider truth the same way the wicked witch viewed water. Vice President Dick Cheney the Lord of the Lies has returned to his bunker after brief outside duty denouncing congressional war critics and doing some Republican fundraisers. Cheney is hearing the footsteps of special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald who is onto his serial deceptions and the pivotal role he played in outing CIA officer Valerie Plame. Former Secretary of State Colin Powells deputy says Cheney was and remains the guiding force in fostering torture at detention camps in Cuba and elsewhere. There is no question in my mind that we did. There is no question in my mind that we may still be doing it retired U.S. Army Col. Larry Wilkerson told CNNs Late Edition regarding the use of torture. Wilkerson  speaking the truths his former boss knows but is keeping to himself for now  says Cheney provided the philosophical guidance and flexibility that led to the systematic torture of detainees at U.S.operated facilities. Wilkerson says Cheneys torture implementer is Donald Rumsfeld and the Defense Department. Field Marshal Rumsfeld who once told us he knew exactly where to find Saddam Husseins weapons of mass destruction now is the selfdeclared authority on the words of war. Our secretary of defense thinks better semantics will change the course of the war. Stop calling those bad guys insurgents Rummy warns us. That gives them greater legitimacy than they seem to merit. So what should we call these extremist enemies Rummy had a vision. Lets call them he beseeches us enemies of the legitimate Iraqi government. The acronym ELIG might fly. In whats left of Fallujah I can just hear the locals yelling The ELIGs are coming The ELIGs are coming In fact what they most fear are the white phosphorus artillery attacks. Rumsfeld tried this summer to rename the war on terror the global struggle against violent extremists. That semantic shuffle lasted about one week. The Busheviks are thirdrate ripoff artists pirating whatever they can from George Orwells Animal Farm. Years ago Laura read it to George. He couldnt stay awake for Orwells 1984 but Karl Rove gave him a summary. The field marshal got into a little tiff with one of his generals last week over the issue of what our troops should do when they encounter torture in Iraq. The Busheviks insist that we dont torture. Alas our allies in occupied Iraq find torture as irresistible as well Dick Cheney does. At a news conference last week reporters asked Rumsfeld about U.S. troops finding evidence that security police used an Iraqi Interior Ministry jail as a torture chamber. Inhumane behavior is obviously worrisome Rumsfeld said. Worrisome Ill say. When Saddam committed similar crimes they were the abominations of a murderous dictator. Theyre just worrisome under our watch. banking services chronicle daily current affairs

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Saturday, April 24, 2021

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Junior science refresher magazine publish this article page  no 19 in the union budget of 2021-22 universal coverage of water supply and swachh bharat mission had a special focus. The launch of jal jeevan mission (urban) was announced for universal water supply in all 4378 urban local bodies with 2.86 crore household tap connections as well as liquid waste management in 500 amrut cities to be implemented over 5 years with an outlay of rs. 287000 crores. Urban swachh bharat mission was proposed to he implemented with a total financial allocation of rs 141678 crore over 5 years from 2021-2026 junior science refresher magazine subscription.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

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Banking service chronicle question bank published this article page no 9 the integrated utility management platform which was built by a goa-based startup was praised for its design and recognized as a first in the country. the experts further stated that this platform could be successful in international markets and the same may be considered plans for the future goa has a vision to build a predictable and assured water utility so that consumers can have confidence in the availability banking services chronicle buy.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

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Monday, April 12, 2021

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Banking services chronicle magazine pdf in english november 2019 LONDON JurgenKlopp has told Liverpool to put things right when they welcome Aston Villa to Anfield on Saturday (Apr 10) following their 72 mauling at the hands of Dean Smiths men earlier this season. Banking service chronicle It is a loss that lingers in the memory for Klopp who dismissed suggestions a 41 FA Cup win in January counted as any sort of payback as Villa fielded an academy side following a coronavirus outbreak among the firstteam ranks banking service chronicle magazine.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

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