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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

banking services chronicle daily current affairs

 banking services chronicle daily current affairs

banking services chronicle daily current affairs  Published this article page no   Bush claims to have a plan for victory in Iraq. He does not. Hes buying time and buying off Iraqi newspaper to try to sell his failures. DETROIT  We are living under a regime that has made war and torture highly profitable for a handful of scummy corporations and individuals. Thats the way the Busheviks like doing business keeping their dirtiest deeds in the hands of forprofit surrogates. Openness and accountability  hallmarks of a free society  have no place in the mad project to sell and impose freedom in Iraq. Desperate to drum up support for his horrible mistakes and refusal to recognize his failed polices President George Bush made a major policy speech last Wednesday outlining his strategy for victory in Iraq. The venue for his address was the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis Md. For our rattled and insecure president on notsosecret doubleprobation from the American public traveling to cozy military confines is like the road trip the Deltas in Animal House took to duck their troubles and hide from their adversaries. The military provides Bush with support for his policies and the comfort and adulation he craves. Bush could look out at a sea of naval uniforms and guaranteed applause to feed his insatiable ego and reinforce his wounded machismo. Setting an artificial deadline would vindicate the terrorists tactics of beheadings and suicide bombings and mass murder and invite new attacks on America Bush told the midshipmen. Always the master of straw man arguments and false choices Bush is declaring that anyone who advances an approach to the mess in Iraq that differs from his is encouraging mass murders and atrocities. Nice. Then puffing his chest out the man who made bring em on a battle cry in Iraq bellowed To all who wear the uniform I make you this pledge America will not run in the face of car bombers and assassins so long as I am your commander in chief. The sailors cheered wildly as their leader broke into that loathsome smirk. Bush  a moral and physical coward  would never dare speak to a randomly chosen audience of college students  or for that matter before any public forum. He cannot tolerate a challenge or accept anything less than complete submission to his views. In Counterpunch the political newsletter Mike Whitney wrote Its pathetic to see the worlds most powerful man shunted into prearranged venues so he can pitch his snakeoil to collegeaged boys. Whitney knows how our great leader covets these stilted events to boost his delusions. Bush loves the applause. He luxuriates in the warm glow of human affection. In many ways he is the consummate politician feeding his fragile ego with the ephemeral praise of complete strangers. banking services chronicle daily current affairs

 banking services chronicle daily current affairs

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